There is a very close bond between my Mom, myself and my daughters (Mallory and Michelle)
When my daughters were growing up in Ohio, my parents lived in Maryland. Every summer, Mal and Chelle would spend time with my Mom and Dad (aka TwoMommy and TwoDaddy). They have some great memories from those visits.
Another connection we have is matching tattoos. Yes, you read correctly...three generations of matching tattoos.
Our recent connection is STARBURST MIRRORS. Mallory started the trend by making a starburst mirror and featuring it in her blog Our First Nest.
Then Mal found another one she liked better.
So she gave her first mirror to her sister, Chelle (Chelle promises to get me a picture shortly).
Fast forward a few months... My Mom wanted something large and round to go over her new TV and I thought of a starburst mirror. But she needed one larger than Mallory's design. I searched Pinterest and found one at twenty-six to life, with great instructions.
Mom and I headed off to Michael's for the floral rings and mirrors...and Home Depot for the shims and Liquid Nails. Of course it took a couple trips, more shims, paint, more paint, another mirror (I broke one, my bad).
Mom painted hers gold to match the collage of gold-framed pictures in the room.
And I varnished mine to work with the earth tones in my living room.
This project earned a thumbs up from both of us. And another connection between the four of us.