Monday, July 7, 2014

A Pinterest Party ... Party of One

I am addicted to PINTEREST.  PINTEREST is a free website where you can save images and links from the Web.  These images are called pins.  You organize the pins on boards.  I have boards for crafts, home decorating and recipes.  Oh, but the fun doesn't stop there.  I can search in PINTEREST and look at pins from everyone else's boards.  I spend hours lost in the Land of PINTEREST, drifting from one idea to another.

Some PINTEREST addicts enthusiasts have PINTEREST Parties where they invite friends over, serve recipes and make a craft from their PINTEREST boards.  After a recent adventure in the Land of PINTEREST, I started noticing the things around my house that came from my PINTEREST boards.  It looks like I had a PINTEREST Party...a Party of One.

Here are some pins from my Craft Board (on the left) and my creations (on the right).  Keep in mind that some pins are successful and others aren't.  First there are those pins that look fun and practical, but aren't.
I like "recycle crafts".  I saved toilet paper rolls a long time for this craft.  But the project looked a lot more fun that it actually was.  I ended up "recycling" this frame into the trash.

Other pins are good for one try.  I liked the idea, but how may Crystal Egg Geodes can one person want?

Or where do you put more than one paper clay barnacle?

This paper wreath was quick and easy, plus it covered a window with no view.  But one is enough.

Then there are the pins that are just right.  Oh I do like silver shiny things.  In fact, in one of my first blog entries , I shared examples of my silver leafing projects.  (You might notice there are a few more silver shells now).

Another successful pin was the silver painted refrigerator magnets.

Aren't these silver birds precious.  I made my version by silver leafing porcelain birds I picked up a thrift store.  I thought it would be easy to find the bird chotchkies, but these are the only ones I have found so far.  Another excuse to stop at thrift stores (like I need a reason!)

Not everything has to be silver leafed.  This wreath is FUN!  It's made from coffee stirrers and wire.  No, I didn't try to recycle stirrers from a coffee shop.  I found a pack of 100 at the local grocery store.

PINTEREST has lots of inspiration for my latest crafting adventure...bottle cutting.   I am still practicing on my technique.  This is a project that got me started wanting to cut bottles.  So far the plant hasn't died (which is good for me).

Check out PINTEREST.  It is a fun way to search the Internet.