Sunday, December 7, 2014

Butter Coffee and other Internet Finds

I am not talking about Cyber Monday Internet finds.  I am talking about ideas I found while browsing and on Pinterest.  You can find anything on the Internet!  How did I live without it?   OH MY!


Yesterday at Walmart I noticed a cardboard display of interesting items.  The display was between stacks of beer and the dairy items (of all places).  The word "QUIRKY" caught my attention.  The items on display ranged from $2 to $30.  I pickup up an earbud wrap for $2.

Most of the time my earbuds are like this.

I tried the toilet paper roll storage.  This idea is good for storing cords in a drawer, but doesn't work for carrying in my purse.

The Wrapster,  an earbud wrap from Quirky. is great.  I checked out the website and found more interesting items.  Quirky is a company that helps people get good ideas to market.  I ended up ordering more Wrapsters and couple other things.


I found these decorative mugs on Poppytalk, thru Pinterest.

I liked the look and was pleased to find out that they were easy to make.  It just takes cups, water and nail polish.

I still need to do some cleanup (with nail polish remover), but I am happy with my first try.


Yes, I said BUTTER COFFEE.   I think I first saw this as a suggested link at the bottom of a news page.  I LOVE coffee...usually hot, strong, no sugar, no cream.  Every once in a while I will splurge and get a latte or cappuccino or Cuban coffee.  But Butter Coffee?  I had to look into it.  It was made popular by a company called BulletProof Coffee.  I did some searching and came up with this recipe:

    1 cup coffee 
    1 tablespoon Kerry Gold no salt butter
    1 tablespoon coconut oil
    2 teaspoons sugar

    Mix in blender

I will admit it took me a few days to work up the guts to make this.  This morning I felt brave.  I used our morning coffee,  The coconut oil I have on hand for making soap.  And the butter was easy to find at the grocery store.

BEST COFFEE EVER!  Plus according to WellnessMama, coconut oil is very healthy.  I think the butter and sugar cancels out the "healthy".

What Interesting Ideas Have You Found On The Internet?